Google Domains for a Hugo site hosted on AWS Amplify

Why isn’t this in the documentation? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


  • AWS Account
  • Google Domain
  • Hugo site launched on AWS Amplify


  1. Create a Hosted Zone in AWS Route 53
  2. Add Route 53 Information to Google Domain Custom Name Servers
  3. Configure Hugo site in AWS Amplify to use Route 53 Hosted Zone Domain

Creating a Hosted Zone in AWS Route 53

  1. Visit Route 53 in AWS Management Console
  2. Create a Hosted Zone
    • route53_1
  3. Configure and Create Hosted Zone
    • Required Attributes:
      • Domain name: the domain name purchased on Google Domains
      • Type: will always be Public hosted zone
    • route53_2
  4. Copy the 4 values listed under Value/Route traffic to section in Hosted Zone Details. These will be used in the future.
    • route53_3

Adding Route 53 Information to Google Domain Custom Name Servers

  1. Visit the Manage section of the domain you want to use within Google Domains
  2. Visit the DNS settings within your domain management settings
    • google_domains_1
  3. Click on Custom name servers within the DNS management section
    • google_domains_2
  4. Enter the name server URLs copied from Creating a Hosted Zone in AWS Route 53 Step 4 previously completed
    • google_domains_3
  5. Save name server settings and click Switch to these settings
    • google_domains_4

Configuring Hugo site in AWS Amplify to use Route 53 Hosted Zone Domain

  1. Visit AWS Amplify in AWS Management Console
  2. Click on already-launched Hugo Site
    • If you have not yet launched a Hugo Site on AWS Amplify, please do this first. Unfortunately these instructions are not within this documentation.
    • amplify_1
  3. Visit the Domain Management settings of your Amplify app
    • amplify_2
  4. Click on Add domain
    • amplify_3
  5. Enter in your domain and click on Configure domain. If you want a certain subdomain to send traffic to a different branch, you can configure that here.
    • amplify_4
  6. You’re done! Once saved, AWS will create the SSL cert, configure the SSL cert, and activate the domain automatically :)
    • This step may take a few minutes